

  • Second Chance Program
  • Housing First
  • Transportation to Success
  • Jobs Connect
  • Banking 101
  • GED Program
  • Tutoring
  • Sex Education/ Screenings
  • Counseling
  • Parenting
The story behind The Shepherd's House...

Second Chance Program: 
Each client entering the program has different needs. Every client completes an initial intake assessment which gives our caseworkers a better understanding of that client’s specific needs. Examples of client needs are identification, social security cards, DSS programs assistance, and others to help create a new path for them. Through this program clients are given a booklet with resources that can help them achieve their goals and become a lasting success through the program.

Housing First:
This program has two components to its model. The first component is PSH (Permanent Supportive Housing) and this program assists those with disabilities, chronic illnesses, mental health issues or substance abuse disorders who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness. The second component is a rapid re-housing program targeted to provide short-term rental assistance and services.

Transportation to Success:
Most clients coming into the shelter do not have their own means of transportation, so this program is important in teaching them how valuable transportation is. This program provides clients transportation to agencies and places that will assist them in achieving their goals while also teaching them how to adequately find transportation on their own for when they graduate. In 2018 alone staff members logged in over 550 hours of transportation. Furthermore, through this program clients have been gifted vehicles; this is a reward that clients can earn during their stay at The Shepherd’s House. A client must pay any unpaid fines, obtain car insurance, and have a valid driver’s license before they have the chance to earn a vehicle.

Jobs Connect:
This program utilizes the partnership with WorkForce Unlimited. Clients that have the capability to work can obtain a job usually within 48 hours of arriving at The Shepherd’s House, with some clients obtaining employment before their intake is even complete! In 2018 WorkForce Unlimited employed 98% of the capable clients at The Shepherd’s House.

Banking 101:
This program is offered by a local bank and provides our clients with information on managing their finances as they progress from their current situation. This program also teaches clients other banking fundamentals such as how to detect fraud and how to open a checking account. Staff members continue to work with clients one-on-one independently of this program as well to further help with financial management.

GED Program:
Through our 2016 Interact Volunteers, we have a group of college students that started a free GED program for our residents. The program offers tutoring, test taking tips, and free testing for the GED.

Through our volunteer program, we have a group of retired teachers that come and tutor our kids. This program developed due to an astounding national statistic we found where every time a child moves schools, they lose 6 months’ worth of learning.

Sex Education/ Screenings:
We have partnered with Piedmont Health Services to provide free monthly sex education classes to all clients. They also offer our clients free onsite testing for HIV/AIDS and STIs.

We have a partnership with a local licensed counselor who comes once a week and offers free counseling services for our clients.

Bi-Weekly parenting classes are offered to all clients and are facilitated by The Children’s Center of Northwest North Carolina.